Nursing Anne

Nursing Anne is a manikin designed for scenario-based training for the care and management of a wide variety of in-hospital patients. Nursing Anne is an efficient, effective, flexible manikin for clinical training in women’s health, obstetrics, post-partum, wound assessment and care, and general patient assessment and care.

Product Benefits:

  • Educationally effective for in-hospital training targeting key skills for in-hospital care including women’s health, obstetrics, post-partum care, wound assessment and care, and general patient care.
  • Pre-programmed scenarios provide standardized training while customizable scenarios and real time instructor control allows adaptation to meet individual students needs.
  • Economical and educationally efficient skills and scenario based trainer.
  • Durable, rugged and lifelike; made to withstand years of use.
  • Flexible manikin platform allows multiple accessory modules to be added including trauma, Nuclear Biological Chemical (NBC) Module, and bleeding control for use in multiple clinical settings.

Product Features:

  • Head with anatomical landmarks, trachea and esophagus, along with simulated lungs and stomach allow the practice of many procedures, including NG, OG, tracheal care and suctioning.
  • Normal and abnormal heart, breath, and bowel sounds and fetal heart tones for auscultation.
  • 1400+ rhythm variants for ECG interpretation using standard clinical monitors.
  • Instructor-controlled blood pressure arm allows for realistic palpation and auscultation. Systolic and diastolic pressures, ausculatory gap, and volume are variable.
  • Articulating IV arm allows for practice of IV cannulation, medication administration, and site care and maintenance.
  • Practice medication dose calculations and administration through intramuscular injections at the deltoid, gluteal, ventrogluteal, and thigh sites.
  • VitalSim enables creating, editing and running scenarios.
  • Optional modules can be added for breast examination, post-surgical mastectomy care, fundus massage skills, and assessment and care of wounds and surgical incisions.

** SimPadTM unit is required for operation in Simpad Capable Version. Sold Separately. **





Contact Info

  36 Α Taxiarchon Str, Kalamaki

           TK 17455

   Tel:  +30 210 9834733

   Fax: +30 210 9847016

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